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Midnight Commander Productively
- copy to command line
- Alt+Enter or EscEnter or Ctrl+xt; Ctrl+xCtrl+t
- paste highlight file name of current (the other) tab to the command line
- Ctrl+xp; Ctrl+xCtrl+p
- paste directory name of current (the other) tab to the command line
- Alt+Tab or EscTab
- path completion in command line
- selection
- Ctrl+Down, Ctrl+Up
- command line history cycling
- Alt+h
- command line history dialog
- Ctrl+o
- Alt+t
- navigation
- Ctrl+S or Alt+S
- Ctrl+PgUp, HomeEnter
- Alt+y
- Alt+Shift+h
- Alt+c
- go to directory
Alt+Tab or EscTab for completion
- pane interactions
- Alt+o
- select highlighted directory in the other panel
- Alt+i
- Ctrl+u
- Alt+`