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Custom compilation of Openshift origin-web-console


  1. Build project

    # in origin-web-console repo dir
    make build
  2. Commit changes
  3. Clone origin-web-console-server to a proper location. Typically it’s ~/go/src/

    go get
  4. Select branch matching to branch used in origin-web-console project.

    # in origin-web-console-server repo dir
    git branch <branch-name>
  5. Vendor origin-web-console files

    GIT_REF=<origin-web-console commit reference> CONSOLE_REPO_PATH=<path to origin-web-console repo dir> make vendor-console
  6. Create the image

    OS_BUILD_ENV_PRESERVE=_output/local/bin hack/env make build-images

    New image is available in local docker registry as openshift/origin-web-console:latest.

Cross-compilation of console, catalog and common

Described in official README.


  1. Let’s have a cluster running. E.g. oc cluster up.
  2. Change image in deployment specification:

    oc login -u system:admin
    oc patch deployment/webconsole --patch '{ "spec": { "template": { "spec": { "containers": [ { "name": "webconsole", "image": "openshift/origin-web-console:latest" } ] } } } }' -n openshift-web-console